Neurofeedback is a non-invasive training to optimize brain health. Many people have heard of biofeedback, which teaches your body how to handle stress better. Neurofeedback therapy is real-time training for the brain. Neurofeedback targets brainwave dysregulation, which may lead to conditions such as ADD/ADHD, OCD, anxiety, insomnia, depression, migraines, and much more.
There are four main types of brainwaves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. These brainwaves keep the body and mind in harmony. When one or more of these brainwaves is out of balance, this influences the entire body and brain.
Below is a list of some of the conditions that neurofeedback has shown to be clinically responsive to through research:
+Brain Injury
+Chronic Pain
+Memory Loss
+Sleep Disorders
When you contact us, we will schedule your initial appointment and have you explain some background information. There will be paperwork that you will electronically sign and a few assessments that we will need you to complete before your first appointment.
At this appointment, we will conduct a qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram)/Brain Map. This brain map will help us understand what brainwaves are out of balance and the cortical electrical activity of the brain. There are two different reports that we evaluate to see brainwave patterns. You will receive a copy of the summary report.
At this appointment, we will sit down and explain the findings of the qEEG. We will explain the treatment plan and give you a color copy of the clinical report. If time allows, we will hook you up to the system for a 10 to 15-minute brain training session.
Brain training sessions last 20–30 minutes. A typical session is 30 minutes, but we have had patients that get tired and like to train for 20 or 25 minutes.
During a session, your clinician will place sensors on your ears and head. During an eyes-open training session, you will choose a non-stimulating video to watch. During an eyes-closed session, you will choose music to listen to.
Brain training is achieved through operant conditioning. Your brain will receive rewards when in the appropriate ranges during the visual or audio feedback. This brain training process is very easy. There are some people that notice improvement right away, while others notice changes after 10–15 sessions. The number of sessions varies among conditions.
The initial qEEG is $400. Brain training sessions are as follows:
$100 per session for 1x/week
$75 per session for 2x/week
It is recommended that you complete two brain training sessions a week. This means that you will feel better and notice a positive change in less than two months. After 20 brain training sessions, we will complete a brain map which will show us all the improvements from the brain training and allow us to fully see what balancing has been completed. The second brain map and any additional maps going forward is a $250 charge.
Will neurofeedback therapy change my personality?
No. Neurofeedback training sessions are designed to help your brain’s connections communicate more efficiently, and stay balanced. It can make you calmer, more resilient to stress, and more clear headed. It will not change your hobbies, interests, or who you are.
Will I notice a difference right away?
Most patients notice positive changes after 6-8 sessions, normally done over 3-4 weeks. Some patients have told us that they have noticed differences after the very first session.
Are neurofeedback session results long lasting?
Yes. In the same way you learned a new skill like riding a bike, our patients finish their treatment regimen and do not typically need to return. In fact, after your initial series of training sessions, you will continue to see improvement for up to 12 months after your last session here. This is simply a natural result of your brain using the new pathways – they keep getting stronger with each time they are used.
However, some people opt to continue periodically as a “tune-up” or return later on to address new challenges.
Does brain mapping or neurofeedback training sessions interfere with current medications?
No. We encourage you to continue taking any medications recommended by your physician. Over time, we will work with you and your prescribing physician to determine if you may be able to reduce or eliminate medications, based on your results.
Are there any side effects reported for neurofeedback?
No. In the 40 plus years that neurofeedback training has been available, with exception of fatigue after a session, no side effects have ever been reported. Neurofeedback training uses your brain`s natural ability to learn in order to teach how to work more efficiently.
Is biofeedback the same as neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a more specialized type of biofeedback. Biofeedback refers to a training technique where a person learns to regulate certain body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, or in this case, brain wave patterns. Neurofeedback can also be called neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback, and EEG biofeedback.
What types of patients do you treat?
We treat children ages 5 and older and adults who are seeking relief from ADD/ADHD, anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, concussion or brain injuries, depression, insomnia migraines, PTSD or trauma, seizures or epilepsy, and for those wanting to improve their performance, or handle stress better.
We are a NewMind clinic. To learn more about the software and equipment we use, click on the NewMind Button below. We encourage you to spend some time reading through the resources and conditions neurofeedback can help. There is some very useful information on this website that can answer more of your questions.
NewMind has a guided in home training option. This is very simple to use and clinician guided. You will have access to both Stella and Jordan throughout your training.
All brain maps are still completed in the office.
Call or email us today for a quote!
Peaceful Mind LLC
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